Breathing Under Water:
Spirituality and the 12 Steps
by Richard Rohr
Coming Again Soon . . .
We are all addicted to something, according to Franciscan Father Richard Rohr. This deep dive into a gospel perspective of AA's twelve-step program is intended to provide a contemplative and Christ-centered approach to healing our inevitable attachment and addiction to "lesser loves". We have found that the pandemic has only reinforced bad habits and allowed new ones to develop into thoughts and behaviors that are preventing growth, disrupting relationships, and edging us toward living in the shadows where God feels out of reach.
Carrie and I have both dealt with addiction personally and professionally. I (Katie) met the transformative power of the gospel through my recovery from an eating disorder. Even my best friends and family didn't know I attended OA meetings in Seattle in the basement of an old downtown church. I saw the healing power of Jesus in the 12 steps long before I read this book.
Whether you are struggling, or you work with people who would benefit from your understanding of this program, please consider joining. Bring your friends, or your team. The 12 steps aren't just for a specific problem; they are a gospel-centered approach to living our fullest life in Christ.
What To Expect: Four 90-minute Zoom sessions facilitated by Katie & Carrie; including a one page study guide & question prompts provided before each session. We will discuss three chapters in each session with intentional time for community engagement through conversation, including deeper discussions in small group break out rooms. For further reflection, each session will end with quiet meditation combined with gentle movement.
Cost: $50. Register through PayPal:, or Venmo: katie-pearson-48. Please email me so I have your contact info - simply put "Book Study" in subject line.
Dates: TBD
Time: TBD
As always, recordings available. Book not included.